Monday, February 15, 2016

Jasper Johns Inspired Alphabet with Kinder

I am wrapping up this kinder lesson inspired by Jasper Johns.  Watercolor resist is always a hit with kinder and with this lesson, we got the added benefit of practicing our letters.  
It was great hearing them sing the alphabet to remember what was next.  While a good amount have their alphabet down, some really needed the practice.  It  is one thing to sing the alphabet but remembering the order as they were writing was another.
This was also a great project to practice filling space, over and over and over again.
When we are doing projects like these, I want their crayon to have a nice thick coat.  So, we talk about using our art muscles.  I often go around the art room to see who has the biggest muscles (crayon pressed really hard).  Talk about a good motivator, especially those competitive boys.
I love how some naturally wanted to paint their boxes in with a different color, they probably felt like that is what they were supposed to do.  While others experimented a bit more.  Some students started off painting in the rectangles and abandoned that thought once they saw that they were allowed to just paint as they pleased.
This was one of my favorite lessons for kinder so far this year.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Mirroring 360

If you have an Ipad in your classroom, this is will change your life!  Last year our district issued each teacher an Ipad and at the beginning of this year, we were given a dongle. 
 But, every time I wanted to use it, I had to get behind my computer, it was awkward and of course my back is turned while I'm trying to set up.  Not that it takes THAT long, but still, sometimes it doesn't take that long for mischief to happen.  And if you've been teaching long at all, you know to cut down those opportunities as much as possible.

 Later this fall, we started using mirror 360.  I don't have to remove plugs, I don't have to turn my back to the class. I walk up to my computer and select a few things and can immediately start to project on the screen.
Even better, is I can walk around the room, I'm not "stuck" anywhere.  If I've got a group of students that need proximity, no problem.  I can go stand by them and present my lesson at the same time.
It is such a great tool, it has encouraged me to use more technology in my classroom the last few months.  You may have to check with your technology department, it is possible they will need to install the mirror assist onto your home computer, but other than that it is a piece of cake!
It has really come in handy now that I have my class set of IPADS.  I can show them the apps that they can use.  I can demonstrate the tools on the apps, which saves so much time.  
Demonstrating using 123Sculpt. 123Sculpt. 

Demonstrating using the MoMA App.

Here you can see, that what I pull up on my IPAD projects on the computer, which projects to the screen!  Isn't this technology lovely!  Sure, keep the might need it in case of an emergency, or maybe you don't want to make your life just a little easier!  But trust me, you are going to love Mirroring360