So the murals inside the library are done. I finally wrapped up painting on July 22. I think it will be a great addition to the library.

I'm sure I will find things to fix, but for now I can breathe easy it all got done before school starts.
Here is one I've gone in and added some details since posting.
I think the Winnie the Pooh is my favorite.
All of the trees were a bit of a challenge because there wasn't very much width to the spaces, but lots of height.

While I am finished with these, our PTO is having me do another tree mural as a donation tree.
So now I'm just trying to get that done before they start waxing the floors of the hallway. We will see, hopefully it will all work out and painting is done before the floors are shiny and new looking. I sure don't want to make the custodians upset with me! I try to stay on their good side.