Friday, November 10, 2017

Art Room 2017-18

I have been super behind on posting everything this year.  Especially since we are past our first nine weeks grading period and into our second.  Things aren't this shiny and clean anymore...but then again it's the art room.  If it were perfectly clean and organized all the time, then maybe we aren't creating enough.  
This is my new rug for the art room, and I am in love!  Yes, with the rug, it has been great, the kids each have a target to sit on, and it is so much easier to teach these large classes.  I taught for years using a rug, but when I began teaching part time, the teacher here didn't use a rug.  I mean, it makes all the difference in getting a lesson out.
I was just a tad bit excited!  That is a happy girl right there!

I did a fun paper quilling hanger to mark the table colors, rather than using the color pencil bins I had used in the past. The kids love them and keep asking me to teach them how to do paper quilling.

Color wheel fun!  I love the bright colors and it just makes the room a happy place.  I loved the lady that I taught with, but she felt like things on the wall distracted the kids.  There were 500 other things on the wall, schedules and more schedules, boring things, but none with color.  She was also a collector of things, all things, but in particular furniture.  We had tons of unused furniture in every crook and cranny of the room. It felt like the walls were closing in on me!  I can breathe now.
The pom pom ART letters leading the way to the art room was super cheap and a great way to point the way to the art room.  I just made my letters out of cardboard from old boxes, I think the whole thing cost under $5 and they are really big letters.  I found this super cute idea on Pinterest... of course!

I'm in love with these Day of the Dead dolls and wreath, I mean, they may stay up all year.  I found them at Target, it was a total score.

And then the other Target score was my little collection of crayon banks of different colors
My room is becoming my happy place once again!!