Sunday, December 18, 2016

Eagle's Art Night 2016

So, I just wrapped up our annual Eagle's Art Night.  This is the 4th event I have been apart of, but this year I am teaching on my own, so I didn't have my wonderful teaching partner to help me through it all.
However, I did feel like things went very well, even with our student population increasing to around 830 kids.  So, the big challenge this year was getting the work done on a six day rotation.  We started on week two of school with the artwork, so it seems like there would be plenty of time, and for most grade levels that was true.  I did feel the pinch a bit with the older grade levels.  The PTA always request that the work be delivered to them the first week of November so that they have sufficient time to mount all the work.
Which means that I have to complete the work so that it can be checked, signatures added, as well as the labels to each art piece around the middle of October?
The PTA came up with this creative way of displaying all the work and it seems to work really well.
All the art work is hung with rubber cement so that parents can peel off their child's art work.  Then, they take it to the framing table where a bevy of workers take money, organize paperwork, frame, and so on.  We ran out of frames and more had to be ordered. So, I would say it was a success.
The frames are sold for $12, and I think there is about a $3 profit from each frame.  Last year the profits were around $800.  I haven't heard what the final numbers were for this year, but I believe it will be even better than last years earnings.
While this is happening in the gym, we also have a talent part that is happening on the stage in the cafe. It is one of the school's biggest events of the year.
So, this is why I have had a little hiatus from blogging the last 4-5 months.  I am relearning to juggle full time teaching and being a Mommy to 3 very busy girls!  But, I am loving every minute of it, and I go to bed EVERY SINGLE NIGHT wiped out.  I'm sure many of you can relate.
But, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.  Now to do my last minute Christmas shopping and packing for our trip.  I'm grateful everyday for my wonderful life!  Merry Christmas everyone, have a blessed and restful holiday.

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