Sunday, April 28, 2013

Watercolor Birch Trees

Watercolor Birch Trees

First Snow

We started these pictures out with a simple watercoloring and salting on the first day.  Day two the kids sprayed water tinted with white tempra paint on their cardboard or brown paper strips.  They used black colored pencil to the trees to add texture. Then glued them to their landscapes.  Tree shadows were added with black colored pencil.


  1. I'm speechless! They are gorgeous!!! :)

  2. Thanks Mrs. C, you are so kind!

  3. What grade? They are beautiful!

  4. Where can I find more instructions? They are beautiful!

    1. Hi Katherine. Thanks so much. This is one of the projects that I am wanting to do a visual step by step. I am currently finishing work for a school wide art show. But, I have been wanting to do this project again. I will make that a priority! Let me know if you have specific questions, and I can try to answer, as it will be several weeks before I can post a visual tutorial.
