Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Art and Science Club at EGE

This year I joined forces with our new Science specials teacher. We held three sessions throughout the year, and limited our enrollment to 20-25 students. We allowed all ages kinder through 5th graders to participate. We also charged $15 per session. Some of the projects we repeated with each group and some we came up with new lessons for the new group.
Down fall, we had to turn lots of kids down because of high interest. We did lots of different projects from connecting circuits to designing t-shirts, creating scribble bots and making crystals. Here are a few projects that I was able to stop long enough to get some pictures.
The paint pendulums were loads of fun (when we had the right paint). We did these on poster board so they would stand up to the paint being poured onto it. This also helped when transferring these to the drying rack. The set up for this was really easy, we just used two student chairs with a broom stick attached to the top. I had students help rig the string and cup to find the perfect setup. A great engineering opportunity. 

We also did a clay project, which we ran out of time to paint. We just encouraged them to paint these at home with whatever paints were available at home to them.

Another favorite was a marbling project. The kids dipped card stock and then they made these into their Mother's Day cards. The cards were really beautiful. I even dipped extra cards and they went into the silent auction for our district. I had lots of request for extra sets after the auction was done. I'll have to remember this for next years art show!